What You Said:

How often do you use your microwave?
Never- 6%
Close to never- 6%

Every week- 6%
Every day- 18%
Often- 29%
All the time- 35%

    Most of the people surveyed use a microwave. The problem is that the majority of people who use the microwave ovens can use it too much, which is a hazard. Because of the radiation that the microwave gives off, they most likely have had some of this radiation in their food. 

Do you heat your food in/on plastic?

Yes- 6%
Sometimes- 29%
No- 65%

     We're glad that most people do not cook their food in plastic and hopefully after we make our handout the other people who do cook with plastic will stop! After we tell them the chemicals in plastic could be going in their food, people will realize it's dangerous.        

Any injuries you know of?

No- 94%
Yes- 6%

    The reason somebody but yes for this one is because their grandfather put metal in the microwave. The microwave blew up, which shows the danger of microwaves.