Did you know?

Microwave ovens: the little convenient box that nobody thinks twice about using. But should we? Studies have shown that microwaves can drastically change the temperature and levels of important nutrients, like flavonoids. (Flavonoids are key antioxidants that are found in most foods.) Plastic wrap is also a problem. The chemicals from the wrap can get in the food when heated and can give you the risk of cancer.
 Here's an example that clearly shows how the microwave can turn the chemistry of a property upside down: A nurse was preparing blood for a transfusion. She heated the blood, but instead of thawing it  the normal way, she used a microwave. The blood was transfused, and the patient died because the blood was no longer usable. This shows the downside the microwave.
   Despite that, people still use the microwave because it’s so convenient for their busy lives, but should we sacrifice our health for a fast way to cook food? Choose wisely, it could save your life.