About The Smarticles

We are The Smarticles, and we are doing a science project called Ecybermission. We are all in Middle School and our teacher asked to do a science project. We ended up choosing this topic and set our minds to doing everything we possibly could to make this project available to the public, whether it meant staying up late for hours doing research or canceling some things in our busy day to meet up and work together. We are a group of 4 girls that are all in 7th grade, that are smart, funny, outgoing and talented in what we do. When we do things we set our minds to it and will stop at nothing. While working on this project, it so happened that things didn’t work out as we had planned . But like the saying says, “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” That’s exactly what we are going to do, give everything our best shot. I hope that you liked this website and found it most informative. From our team The Smarticles, we thank-you for visiting our website.